1 | 代理人委托书应当载明代理内容及权限,外国人或者外国企业的代理人委托书还应当载明委托人的国籍。 | a power of attorney issued by a foreign national or foreign enterprise shall, in addition, state the nationality of the principal. | |
2 | 第二十一条 非经国家文化行政管理部门报国务院特别许可,任何外国人或者外国团体不得在中华人民共和国境内进行考古调查和发掘。 | Article 21 No foreign national or foreign organization may engage in archaeological investigations or excavations within the boundaries of the PRC without special permission granted by the State Council, on the basis of a report from the state department for cultural administration. | |
3 | 第九条 定居外国的中国公民,自愿加入或取得外国国籍的,即自动丧失中国国籍。 | Article 9 Any Chinese national who has settled abroad and who has been naturalized as a foreign national or has acquired foreign nationality of his own free will shall automatically lose Chinese nationality. | |
4 | 外国人或者外国企业申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,应当使用中文。 | The Chinese language should be used in the application from a foreign national or foreign enterprise for trademark registration or the handling of other trademark matters. | |
5 | 债务人是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或者组织,但在中华人民共和国领域内有住所、代表机构或者分支机构并能够送达支付令的,债权人可以向有管辖权的海事法院申请支付令。 | Where a debtor is a foreign national , stateless person, foreign enterprise or organization, but he has domicile, representative office or branch office within the territory of the PRC and an order of payment can be served, the creditor may apply to the maritime court that has jurisdiction for an order of payment. | |
6 | 但是想要逮捕多杰,因为多杰是外国人,当地警察还需要获得德里当局的许可。 | But to arrest Dorje, state police would have to first take Delhi’s consent because the matter concerns a foreign national . | |
7 | 该组织最近收到了代理一个外国人的律师的诉状,这老外被一份大屠杀报告点过名。 | It recently received a complaint from lawyers acting for a foreign national named in a report on an incident of mass murder. | |
8 | 关于哈尔滨市档案馆所藏外侨档案情况的研究报告 | A Study Report on the Foreign National Archival Condition in the Archives of Harbin | |
9 | 国外国防科技基础条件建设给我们的启示 | Inspiration of Foreign National Defense Science and Technology Base Construction | |
10 | 国外军工企业信息化现状及趋势研究 | Informationizating Actuality and Studying of Trend for Foreign National Defending Enterprises | |
11 | 和外籍人士结婚也会激发翻译需求。 | Marrying a foreign national also can trigger translation needs, she said. | |
12 | 他不是这一圈人中唯一的外侨。 | He is not the only foreign national in the circle. | |
13 | 由于四年内有超过一百万人来到英国,波兰人由第13位上升为英国国内最大的外国人团体。 | As more than a million arrived in four years, Poles became the single largest foreign national group in Britain, up from the 13th largest. |